Progress Report #1
Let me start by saying that the pre-canned scripts or lines that are claimed to work seem pretty immature and cheesy to me, but I'm no expert so I will roll with them for now.
Field Report - Plenty Of Fish
I had almost zero luck here. I sent about 20 messages out, and the only reply I got was from a real bitchy person. I used a humour approach and she responded saying "Way to start off, by insulting me. I like my humour like I like my burgers, well done..." I have to say, the women on POF are for the most part unattractive and given this initial test, I'm done with it for now.
Field Report - My Space
I sent about 20 messages here as well. I had about 10 responses. 2 were positive and interested, 6 were neutral and 2 came back with what as referred to as a bitch shield response. Plus, I am getting hammered with friend requests etc. so I'm not to crazy about myspace so far, but will comeback and test more later.
Field Report - Hot or Not
Okay, the best vibe I've gotten so far is from hot or not. It's easy to find attractive people and it was sort of fun and flattering to see that I got a 9.3/10 rating myself... lol
Anyways, people will initiate first contact with you way more than the other sites I've tested above. I haven't done a paid membership so I can't test much beyond the initial bit I've done so far, but I think this site could have potential.
Field Report - Sugar Daddy
Let me start of by saying the name and implied purpose of this site really turned me off but what the heck... its only a test. First impressions are there are very attractive women on here and they are not afraid to approach men. The problem is, you either have to be somewhat successful financially or lie about your financial means. If you have to start a relationship with complete lies, not a good start at all.
I will likely test this one the most since I think it has the most promise because these women are presumably looking for successful guys and are already pre-sold that the men on here aren't losers.
Thats it for now...